Beach flag

Beach flag is lightweight and easy to erect, so it is a handy product for various events eg. Golf courses, ski centers, fairs, sports grounds and pretty much anywhere where you need advertisement which is distinctive and deftly to install.

Beach flag works well also at stores. It’s a handy product for short campaigns and even as a permanent signpost. Beach flag is at its best outside when the flag flies nicely but it’s a good product for indoor use too.

We sell beach flags in 3 sizes: 45 x 170 cm, 75 x 275 cm and 92 x 370 cm. All sizes include advertising banner in addition to the rod and bag. You can choose a tripod according to the use of the beach flag: ground screw, cross-foot or disc-foot for indoor or outdoor use.

Contact us and ask for a offer:


+48 781 12 12 12

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